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Briańsk TЭM2 #SM48-124
47867 Briańsk TЭM2 #SM48-124

Built: 1988
PKP Cargo
Author: Siecool plRSS ()Uploaded: 2010-06-21 18:26:43
Photostatus: Public
Width: 900, Height: 600File size: 297.39kB
D29 number: 938, Timetable number: Train number: 962
19 june 2010 - Warsaw, Radiowo station. SM48-124 leaves the station with 10 Eaos cars to Warsaw Main Freight Station. Gagar is passe, time for a tamara in a different than normal make-up. PKP Cargo does not let us become bored - from may 2009 arrived in Warsaw four new locos - first it was SM48-037, which I've seen at the beginning of this year with a train to Siekierki Power Plant. Then it was SM48-089, which appeared few days before Christmas and disappeared soon after (at least I haven't seen it from then). Both SM48's were from Malaszewicze depot. This year's may added some more power - ST44-089 from Białystok started to operate not only with trains to Siekierki Power Plant, but also here. And finally from last Thursday we have SM48-124 in a beautiful livery, propably from Skarżysko-Kamienna. Who's next? ;) The bicycle on the front is sth special for me - I've got it on my first railway photo that I made on this line - it was 4 years ago ;)
en pl gt


  • quentinru (2010-06-21 18:30:35)

    Z Małaszewicz, nie Małaszewic.

  • Siecoolpl (2010-06-21 19:00:42)

    Dzięki, poprawiłem.

  • Carvosh (*.dynamic.chello.pl) (2010-06-21 23:14:05)

    Co się dzieje z ST44-089?

  • Siecoolpl (2010-06-22 18:05:16)

    Nie wiem, ostatnio jechał w środę. Zgodnie z tradycją powinien był jechać wczoraj i dziś, ale wczoraj na obu pociągach jeździła ta tamara, a dzisiaj rano razem z tamarą pojechała stonka do pomocy.

  • Paweł_Kpl (2010-06-23 07:21:59)

    Ze Skarżyska-Kamiennej. Popraw w polskojęzycznym opisie.

  • Siecoolpl (2010-06-23 21:30:43)


  • mann (*.184.219.114.ipv4.supernova.orange.pl) (2010-07-04 22:24:39)

    ale trawiszcze

  • marcinn (192.168.0.*) (2013-12-16 14:35:48.832752)

    torów nie widać

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