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User Statistics:

Electroputere 060EA #461-043


NameElectroputere 060EA
?2006JŽ Србија
20062008ŽCG Crna Gora
2008ŽPCG Crna Gora
Vehicle Numbers
Year Of Get Year Of Remove Vehicle Number
?2006461-043 /
?2006461-043 /
20062008461-043 / ŽCG
20062008461-043 / ŽCG
2008461-043 / ŽPCG
2008461-043 / ŽPCG


26 august 2009 - Czarnogóra, jezioro Szkoderskie (okolice Virpazaru), godz. 13:05 - niezidentyfikowany pociąg mknie w stronę Baru
Author: jasiu

Comments: 3

26 august 2009 - Czarnogóra, Jezioro Szkoderskie. Pociąg w kierunku Podgoricy, wg rozkładu powinien być to 6101 Bar-Podgorica, ale coś za dobrze wygląda.
Author: jasiu

Comments: 3

23 june 2010 - Montenegrian locos since 20.6.2010 run through Serbia again and serbian through Montenegro as it was before the end of Federal state between Serbia and Montenegro four years ago.There is no more loco excange on the express trains at border station Bijelo Polje.Here is ZPCG loco 461-043 leaving Belgrade with international IC train 433 ''Podgorica'' Beograd-Bar.
Author: Dusko

Comments: 1

23 june 2010 - Montenegrian locos since 20.6.2010 run through Serbia again and serbian through Montenegro as it was before the end of Federal state between Serbia and Montenegro four years ago.There is no more loco excange on the express trains at border station Bijelo Polje.Here is ZPCG loco 461-043 leaving Belgrade with international IC train 433 ''Podgorica'' Beograd-Bar.
Author: Dusko

Comments: 2