23 july 2006 - Coastal Classic Train from Anchorage to Seward near small town of Girdwood. In 1964, this area was completely destroyed by the earthquake - the land was flooded and after that the town was moved about 4 km up the valley. The trees on the picture (on the left) were effected by salt water of the Turnagain Arm, that's why there are still many dry forests in Girdwood area.Coastal Classic Train niedaleko miejscowości Girdwood na trasie z Anchorage do Seward. W 1964 roku miało miejsce tu wielkie trzęsienie ziemi, które poprzez obniżenie poziomu lądu, spowodowało zalanie terenu. Słona woda Turnagain Arm wdarła się wgłąb lądu niszcząc Girdwood, które ponownie wybudowało się ok. 4 km powyżej. Obecnie na trasie widać co jakiś czas skupiska wysuszonych drzew, które są pozostałością po dawnym Girdwood.Coastal Classic Train from Anchorage to Seward near small town of Girdwood. In 1964, this area was completely destroyed by the earthquake - the land was flooded and after that the town was moved about 4 km up the valley. The trees on the picture (on the left) were effected by salt water of the Turnagain Arm, that's why there are still many dry forests in Girdwood area. Author: Marek Wiercioch