22 july 2006 - Anchorage, Alaska. Coastal Classic Train on its way to the town of Seward. This train runs once a day (at 06:45) between may and september.Anchorage, Alaska. Coastal Classic Train w drodze do Seward. Pociąg ten odjeżdża raz dziennie (06:45) i kursuje w wydłużonym sezonie wakacyjnym od maja do września.Anchorage, Alaska. Coastal Classic Train on its way to the town of Seward. This train runs once a day (at 06:45) between may and september. Author: Marek Wiercioch
Comments: 8
23 july 2006 - Coastal Classic Train from Anchorage to Seward. This view is seen from the dome car, which gives possibility to admire this Alaskan, one of the most beautiful in the world, railroad.Coastal Classic Train z Anchorage do Seward widziany z kopuły wagonu widokowego. Tego typu rozwiązanie umożliwia podziwianie widoków tej alaskańskiej, jednej z najpiękniejszych na świecie, linii kolejowej.Coastal Classic Train from Anchorage to Seward. This view is seen from the dome car, which gives possibility to admire this Alaskan, one of the most beautiful in the world, railroad. Author: Marek Wiercioch
Comments: 8
23 july 2006 - Alaska, Turnagain Arm seen from the dome car of the Coastal Classic Train, which connects Anchorage and Seward. June is the best month to take this amazing trip, because of the weather, which in july and august is the wettest in whole year.Alaska, Turnagain Arm (wąski początek zatoki Chickaloon) widziany z kopuły wagonu widokowego pociągu Coastal Classic Train. Najlepszym miesiącem na podróże koleją po Alasce jest czerwiec, z uwagi na najlepsze warunki atmosferyczne. Lipiec i sierpień są najbardziej mokrymi miesiącami roku, przez co jest duże prawdopodobieństwo, że w podróży towarzyszyć może nam deszcz i mgła.Alaska, Turnagain Arm seen from the dome car of the Coastal Classic Train, which connects Anchorage and Seward. June is the best month to take this amazing trip, because of the weather, which in july and august is the wettest in whole year. Author: Marek Wiercioch
Comments: 2
23 july 2006 - Alaska, Upper Trail Lake.
Coastal Classic Train between Anchorage and Seward. There are couple parts of this beautiful route, that takes your breath away. One of them is right here. Admiring this Alaskan railroad makes you stand all the time outside the compartment and watch all the mountains, tunnels, glaciers and wildlife of the Last Frontier.Alaska, widok z pociągu Coastal Classic Train na jezioro Upper Trail Lake.
Linia z Anchorage do Seward, jako jedna z najpiękniejszych na świecie, a już na pewno na Alasce, sprawia, że całą podróż spędzić można w przedsionku wagonu, zamiast w ciepłym przedziale. Co chwilę bowiem widoki z pociągu potrafią wywrzeć niesamowite wrażenie. Przez 4 godziny jazdy podziwiać można zatokę, góry, lodowce, tunele, a wśród tego wszystkiego dziką przyrodę Alaski.Alaska, Upper Trail Lake.
Coastal Classic Train between Anchorage and Seward. There are couple parts of this beautiful route, that takes your breath away. One of them is right here. Admiring this Alaskan railroad makes you stand all the time outside the compartment and watch all the mountains, tunnels, glaciers and wildlife of the Last Frontier. Author: Marek Wiercioch
Comments: 7
23 july 2006 - Seward, Alaska. Coastal Classic Train from Anchorage has just arrived. Here is the same train, couple hours later, headed for the opposite direction.Seward, Alaska. Coastal Classic Train from Anchorage has just arrived. Here is the same train, couple hours later, headed for the opposite direction.Seward, Alaska. Coastal Classic Train z Anchorage skończył właśnie bieg. Na tym zdjęciu widać, jak kilka godzin później stoi już podstawiony w przeciwnym kierunku. Author: Marek Wiercioch
Comments: 4
23 july 2006 - Alaska, between Seward and Anchorage.
Coastal Classic Train is passing the most interesting part of this route, the Grandview (famous serpentine). The locomotive is headed straight to the top of this curve, which is several meters higher. This picture is taken from the last car of the train, and the locomotive is seen practically under the right angle from there.Alaska, pomiędzy Seward i Anchorage.
Coastal Classic Train na spektakularnej serpentynie (Grandview), a zarazem najciekawszych kilometrach trasy. Zdjęcie robione z ostatniego przedsionka pociągu. Czoło lokomotywy (która swoją drogą widziana jest praktycznie pod kątem prostym z ostatniego wagonu) jest skierowane wprost na początek tej serpentyny, znajdujący się kilkanaście metrów wyżej.Alaska, between Seward and Anchorage.
Coastal Classic Train is passing the most interesting part of this route, the Grandview (famous serpentine). The locomotive is headed straight to the top of this curve, which is several meters higher. This picture is taken from the last car of the train, and the locomotive is seen practically under the right angle from there. Author: Marek Wiercioch
Comments: 10
23 july 2006 - Seward, Alaska. This 'station' has only one track and there is no possibility to move locomotives from the front to the back of the train. That's why it's very common in Alaska to use 'triangles' to head the whole train for the right direction.Seward, Alaska. This 'station' has only one track and there is no possibility to move locomotives from the front to the back of the train. That's why it's very common in Alaska to use 'triangles' to head the whole train for the right direction.Seward, Alaska. Ta 'stacja' ma tylko jeden tor, nie ma więc możliwości zmienić czoło pociągu. Dlatego też, jak w wielu miejscach na Alasce stosuje się tzw. trójkąty do obrotu całego składu w przeciwnym kierunku jazdy. Author: Marek Wiercioch