16 october 2010 - London, between Haggerston and Hoxton stations. The inhabitants of East London actually have reasons to be unhappy about the reactivation of the East London Line. Trains run past their windows again - at five minute intervals no less - and the property prices have gone up. Sod this :)Londyn, szlak Haggerston -> Hoxton. Mieszkańcy wschodniego Londynu w sumie mają powody do bycia niezadowolonymi z reaktywacji East London Line - znowu im pociągi szumią koło okien w takcie pięciominutowym, ceny mieszkań poszybowały w górę... Do chrzanu z czymś takim :)London, between Haggerston and Hoxton stations. The inhabitants of East London actually have reasons to be unhappy about the reactivation of the East London Line. Trains run past their windows again - at five minute intervals no less - and the property prices have gone up. Sod this :) Author: straphan