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VEB Lokomotivbau Karl Marx BR 99.33 #44


NameVEB Lokomotivbau Karl Marx BR 99.33
19511959Wismut GmbH Deutschland
19591994DR Deutschland
19941995DB Deutschland
1995MBB Deutschland
Vehicle Numbers
Year Of Get Year Of Remove Vehicle Number
1951195944 / Wismut GmbH
1959197099 332 / DR
1970199299 2332-7 / DR
19921994099 905-2 / DR
19941995099 905-2 / DB
199599 2332-7 / MBB


29 june 2017 - Kühlungsborn West. In order to replace the remaining BR 99.31 on the narrow gauge line Bad Doberan - Kühlungsborn, three engines of the type 225 PS Schmalspur were transferred from SDAG Wismut to the Deutsche Reichsbahn in 1959 and 1961 (Deutsche Reichsbahn Nos. 99 331-99 333). The engines had been manufactured by the VEB Lokomotivbau Karl Marx Babelsberg (LKM) for service at industrial plants in the German Democratic Republic. 99 333 was withdrawn from service in 1968. 99 332 (99 2332) is placed as a historic vehicle at Kühlungsborn West and has been out of service since 1995.
Author: hkn

28 august 2023 - Ostseebad Kühlungsborn West. Maszyna "pracuje" nieustannie, robiąc tu za pomnik.
Author: Kolins