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Schichau-Werke BR 52 #52 8079-7
157332 Schichau-Werke BR 52 #52 8079-7

Wyprodukowany: 1943
Leipziger Dampf KulTour
Autor: dariuszz94 plRSS ()Dodano: 2024-05-05 22:06:17
Status zdjęcia: Publiczne
Szerokość: 1280, Wysokość: 853Rozmiar pliku: 960.04kB
Numer D29: 359, SRJP: 328Numer pociagu:
4 maja 2024 - Belęcin Wielkopolski - Stefanowo. Niemiecki duet 52 8079-7 i 41 1144-9 prowadzą pociąg specjalny "Wojtek" relacji Wolsztyn - Dresden Hbf, zbliżając się do stacji Stefanowo. Parowozy prowadziły pociąg do stacji Cottbus Hbf, dalej do Drezna skład przejęła BR143.
pl gt


  • Jens (*.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (2024-05-06 16:43:24)

    Please change the owner of the locomotive 52 8079-7 from Dampf-Plus to LDK (Leipziger Dampf Kultour, owner is Mr. Alexander Schröter). This loco left Dampf-Plus years ago first to "Wedler und Franz Lokomotivdienstleistungen" short WFL and last year to LDK. Thank You.

  • dariuszz94pl (2024-05-06 17:26:29.235047)

    Do you know in which year loco goes to WFL?

  • Jens (*.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (2024-05-06 20:10:40)

    Hello dariuszz94, 52 8079-7 was sold to WFL at 14th of August in 2019. In April 2023 this loco was sold to Mr. Alexander Schröter and his company LDK. At 4th of May last year this loco got its last complete overhoul. Alexander Schröter drives his loco only himself together with different stokermans at his side. Pozdrawiam serdeczne Jens P.S.: nice picture. I was on board the loco for translating between Mr. Schröter and the polish pilot. But sorry, that I have not enoght time, to write this information down in Your language.

  • dariuszz94pl (2024-05-06 20:47:10.904848)

    Hello Jens, thank you for infromations, I update data in base. Don`t worry about language, English is fine too

  • Jens (*.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (2024-05-06 20:56:51)

    Hello again, please note: LDC (Lausitzer Dampflokclub) was "only" the organizer and operator for this special train. Owner of the locomotive 52 8079-7 is the company LDK. It sounds a bit similar, but there is a big difference between LDC and LDK. So I hope, that You can change the data again. Thank You for Your effort. Pozdrawiam serdeczne Jens

  • dariuszz94pl (2024-05-06 21:14:28.58445)

    Oh, such a bad mistake by me, sorry. I don`t see an LDK company in database, but I`ll try to make it right. Greetings!

  • dariuszz94pl (2024-05-06 21:18:04.037372)

    I hope it`s right now. Thanks again for informations!

  • Jens (*.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (2024-05-06 21:24:18)

    Fajnie, dziekuje bardzo!

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