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НЭВЗ ВЛ80 #ВЛ80С-613

6 may 2016 - VL80S-613 with a passenger train №389 Anapa - Minsk on Aseeuka (бел. Асееўка) - Kalyadzichy (бел. Калядзiчы) stretch. Generally, VL80S - a freight locomotive and it`s not operated with passenger trains in Belarus. However, the BCh has only 15 own passenger electric locomotives ChS4T (the rest are rented from Russia) and after Gomel electrification (April 2016) the shortage became greater. Therefore, railway decided to make an experiment and try to use freight electric locomotives with passenger trains. Three machines (VL80S-584, 606 and 613) were prepared for these purposes - an electro-pneumatic brake was installed and the maximum permissible speed in operation was increased to 90 km/h (at that moment freight trains had a maximum speed of 80 km/h). The experiment was not very successful (high energy loss) and from December 2016 VL80S are not used in this works.

Comments: 1, Points: 9.00,

Коломзавод ТЭП70 #ТЭП70-0144

12 september 2012 - Charków Pas. (ukr.Харків-Пас.), ukraiński TEP70 z pociągiem pasażerskim Anapa-Mińsk rusza z peronów charkowskiej stacji. Aby dostać się na peron musiałem oszukać ochroniarza z dworca podmiejskiego, podszywając się pod pasażera tego pociągu :) Zdjęcie dodaję czystko dokumentacyjnie, może się Wam spodoba.

Author: 2112SSF RSS | D29 number: | Operator: Укрзалізниця (УЗ) Украïна
Comments: 5, Points: 15.00,