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ЛТЗ M62 #М62-1547

10 may 2021 - M62-1547 with passenger wagons as suburban train №6660 Lyntupy - Krulyaushchizna on Pastavy (бел. Паставы) - Varapayeva (бел. Варапаева) stretch. Only on Sundays or during long holidays (but not always) this train have two wagons, other days - only one.

Comments: 2, Points: 8.00,


5 june 2021 - TEM2UM-156 with dumpcars in Vysokaye (бел. Высокае) calcareous clay quarry. This mine serves Kasciukovichy cement plant (the official name is OJSC Belarusian Cement Plant).

Points: 10.00,

ЛТЗ 2ТЭ10 #2ТЭ10М-3650

5 june 2021 - 2TE10MK-3650 with a freight train on Magilyou-III (бел. Магілёў-III) - Lupalava (бел. Лупалава) stretch.

Points: 7.00,

RVR ДР1A #ДР1А-179

15 february 2020 - DR1A-179 as a suburban train Lida - Maladzechna on Valozhyn (бел. Валожын) - Palachany (бел. Палачаны) stretch.

Comments: 3, Points: 11.00,

RVR ДР1A #ДР1А-319

25 august 2019 - Grodno (biał. Гродна), pociąg osobowy do stacji Mosty (ros. Мосты) w peronach. Sąsiedni tor zajmuje pociąg relacji Grodno - Moskwa.
Jedną nazwę cyrylicą podałem w języku rosyjskim w zasadzie, gdyż tak ma na sobie tabliczka w pociągu. A internet podaje nazwę białoruską przez "a" (Масты).

Comments: 2, Points: 4.00,

RVR ДР1A #ДР1А-234

25 august 2019 - Grodmo (biał. Гродна). W peronach mamy pociąg osobowy do stacji Lida (biał. Ліда).

Comments: 1, Points: 4.00,

RVR ДР1A #ДР1А-231

25 august 2019 - Grodno (biał. Гродна), pociąg osobowy z Baranowicz (biał. Баранавічы) w peronach.

Points: 9.00,

ČKD T 669 #ЧМЭ3Т-7100

25 august 2019 - Grodno (biał. Гродна), manewry maszyny. W tle widać zestaw DR1A-231 (ДР1А-231).

Comments: 5, Points: 9.00,

ČKD T 669 #ЧМЭ3-3695

25 august 2019 - Grodno (biał. Гродна) - manewry maszyny.

Comments: 1, Points: 7.00,

Луганск 2М62У #2М62У-0052

26 august 2019 - Grodno (biał. Гродна), pociąg towarowy w kierunku granicy z Polską, wjeżdża na tor splotowy.

Points: 8.00,

RVR ДР1A #ДР1А-151

8 december 2019 - DR1A-151 as a suburban train Baranavichy - Lida on Mitskevichy (бел. Мiцкевiчы) - Vygada (бел. Выгада) stretch.

Comments: 3, Points: 8.00,

ЛТЗ M62 #М62-1558

5 october 2019 - M62-1558 with a local freight train on Magilyou-I (бел. Магілёў-I) - Latva (бел. Латва) stretch.

Points: 8.00,

ЛТЗ 2ТЭ10 #2ТЭ10МК-3648

1 december 2019 - 2TE10MK-3648 with a "mixed" freight train on Kaledzina (бел. Каледзiна) - Palachany (бел. Палачаны) stretch.

Comments: 1, Points: 12.00,

ЛТЗ 2ТЭ10 #2ТЭ10УК-0227

13 october 2019 - 2TE10UK-0227 with a "potash" freight train on Bastuny (бел. Бастуны) - Benyakone (бел. Беняконе) stretch.

Comments: 3, Points: 12.00,

ЛТЗ 2ТЭ10 #2ТЭ10МК-3607

5 october 2019 - 2TE10MK-3607 with a freight train on Magilyou-I (бел. Магілёў-I) - Latva (бел. Латва) stretch.

Comments: 3, Points: 11.00,

Коломзавод ТЭП70 #ТЭП70-0290

28 september 2019 - TEP70-0290 with a passenger train №65 Murmansk - Minsk on Grybachy (бел. Грыбачы) - Bychykha (бел. Бычыха) stretch.

Comments: 1, Points: 13.00,

ЛТЗ 2ТЭ10 #2ТЭ10МК-3570

28 september 2019 - 2TE10MK-3570 with a "mixed" freight train on Lousha (бел. Лоўша) - Shumilina (бел. Шумiлiна) stretch.

Comments: 1, Points: 15.00,

ЛТЗ 2ТЭ10 #2ТЭ10МК-2935

21 july 2019 - 2TE10MK-2935 with a freight train leaves Kaliy-III (бел. Калiй-III) station - one of a regular potash train begins its journey from Saligorsk to Klaipeda port.

Comments: 2, Points: 12.00,

ЛТЗ M62 #М62-1547

12 july 2019 - M62-1547 with a passenger wagon as suburban train №6660 Lyntupy - Krulyaushchizna on Glybokaye (бел. Глыбокае) - Krulyaushchizna (бел. Круляўшчызна) stretch.

Comments: 1, Points: 9.00,

ЛТЗ 2ТЭ10 #2ТЭ10М-3546

29 june 2019 - 2TE10MK-3546 with a "oil" train from Navapolatsk on Knyaginin (бел. Княгiнiн) - Kuranets (бел. Куранец) stretch.

Comments: 1, Points: 7.00,

БКГ2 #БКГ2-013

22 october 2018 - BKG2-013 with a freight train on Bagatyrova (бел. Багатырова) - Pamyslishcha (бел. Памыслiшча) stretch.

Points: 10.00,

ČKD T 669 #ЧМЭ3-3252

13 january 2016 - ChME3-3252 with a local freight train on Staryya Darogi (бел. Старыя Дарогi) - Vyarhutsina (бел. Вярхуцiна) stretch.

Comments: 1, Points: 18.00,

ЛТЗ M62 #М62-1301

21 october 2013 - M62-1301 with a freight train on track from Radashkovichy (бел. Радашковiчы) ballast quarry to Dubravy (бел. Дубравы) station.

Comments: 3, Points: 10.00,

ЛТЗ M62 #М62-1301

2 december 2014 - M62-1301 with a local freight train on Prudy (бел. Пруды) - Maladzechna (бел. Маладзечна) stretch.

Comments: 1, Points: 11.00,

ЛТЗ 2M62У #2М62У-0311

12 september 2017 - 2M62U-0311 (section A) with a suburban train Krychau - Orsha on Tsyomny Les (бел. Цёмны Лес) - Pagodzina (бел. Пагодзіна) stretch. In general, such DMU is the "pull-push type" train and has designation DRB1.

Points: 8.00,