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Škoda 81E #ЧС8-051
127739 Škoda 81E #ЧС8-051

Built: 1989
Российские Железные Дороги
Author: Siroger beRSS ()Uploaded: 2018-08-24 20:12:00
Photostatus: Public
Width: 1200, Height: 800File size: 752.19kB
D29 number: , Timetable number: 652Train number:
2 december 2016 - ChS8-051 and ChS8-053 with a passenger train №652 Brest - Minsk goes through Pamyslishcha (бел. Памыслiшча) station. Russian locomotives from Vyazma depot (TChE-41). Belarus never had enough of its own passenger electric locomotives (there are only 15), therefore the majority of passenger trains on Brest - Minsk - Orsha - Vyazma area are served by Russian machines. From 80s there was only one serie of passenger locos - ChS4T. But in 2014 "heads" of RZhD decided to give ChS8 from Timashevskaya depot (due to the excess of locomotives, "eights" stood without work) to Vyazma. Since that time you can see with trains both ChS4T and ChS8. The second locomotive is transported to Minsk from Moscow - Nice train.
en gt


  • Piter_P19pl cenzoredytor(2018-08-25 10:57:18.64532)


  • Sirogerbe (2018-08-25 13:58:10.006248)

    Thanks! Often people ask about photo`s parameters in difficult conditions (sunset, dawn, rain, etc.). If anyone is interested: Sony A37 + 18-55 kit; 16:21:00; 35 mm; ISO800; 1/250; F/8.

  • Rafał Stecpl (2018-08-26 22:00:17.111482)


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