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Škoda 68E #45 163.3
47698 Škoda 68E #45 163.3

Built: 1982
Холдинг Български държавни железници ЕАД
Author: Krassen Panev bgedytorRSS ()Uploaded: 2010-06-14 09:46:09
Photostatus: Public
Width: 900, Height: 672File size: 271.10kB
D29 number: , Timetable number: Train number:
15 february 2010 - Locomotive depot Podyene. 45 163.3 after a crash with snow plow. On 15/02/2010 early morning on rail crossing in the capital (Sofia), passing snowplow at acting level crossing, while 45 163 with freight train coming from the station Birimirtsi - hit the snow plow. Impact of the rate of about 40 km/h, snowcat split into two, a locomotive is heavily damaged. Driver of the truck died on the way to hospital, a rail driver - Biser Georgiev and his assistant - Biser Simeonov were taken to hospital. On 15th and 16th February dozen colleagues and friends on Biser Georgiev donated blood to his rescue... But unfortunately it did not happen and February 16 he died. This is a living example of how idiots for passing through the wrong train crossings, and killing innocent people performing their duties strictly. Rest in Peace Biser!
en bg gt


  • Rafał Stecpl (2010-06-14 12:00:09)

    Very sad story... Unfortunately Czech locomotives are very fragile, so many crashes are finishing in the worst way...

  • Krassen Panevbg edytor(2010-06-14 12:27:19)

    Their booths are made of sheet iron only and strikes affecting much. Simple - when they have time rail drivers hiding in the engine room at hit`s. But in the case Biser Georgiev and Biser Simeonov did not have time to react and Biser Georgiev was squeezed between the control panel and the rear wall in cab. :(

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