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Bombardier TRAXX P160 AC2 #480 001
52822 Bombardier TRAXX P160 AC2 #480 001

Épült: 2010
Magyar Államvasutak
Szerző: Peter_S enRSS ()Feltöltve: 2011-02-27 00:20:02
Fotó státusz: Publikus
Szélesség: 900, Magasság: 600File méret: 221.76kB
D29 szám: , Menetrend szám: 1Vonatszám: 911
26 február 2011 - The new TRAXX loco of MÁV at Budapest-Keleti with Sopron-Budapest IC. It is the first of 25 Bombardier-TRAXX what MÁV have bought. This is the 12th day of the 40 days long test cycle while the loco has to run 30.000 km without any fault.
hu gt
Címkek: Budapest


  • Rafał Stecpl (2011-02-27 10:46:14)

    And what if a failure will occur within the first 30.000 km?

  • Peter_Sen (2011-02-27 13:43:23)

    The counter restarts There was an electrical fault, the 42 years old Ganz V43 1100 was the helper loco:

  • SU45-034pl (2011-02-27 17:45:46)

    Pierwszy raz w życiu widzę Traxxa w malowaniu MAV, prezentuje się świetnie z resztą jak cała węgierska kolej:)

  • sebapl (2011-02-28 16:37:30)

    No z tą świetną koleją węgierską, to trochę przesadziłeś. Mają tyle ofert i promocji co PKP w 1989 r.

  • Piotr Kozłowskipl cenzoredytorgod(2011-02-28 21:27:49)

    It is a nice TRAXX but personally I like V63 " Gigant "

  • Peter_S (* (2011-02-28 23:52:20)

    Thanks to all for positive comments! Piotr: The V63 is a great loco, but they're too old and there are only a few, and don't work under multi-voltage (16 kV in Austria). MÁV had to buy some new locomotive to replace the more than 40 years old Ganz-V43 series...

  • Rafał Stecpl (2011-03-01 21:25:45)

    @Peter_S: And if they'll have to restart the counter too many times, they get a discount or the contract is cancelled?

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