All rules are available in english. If you want to help to translate it please contact.
Rules are totally out of date. We are working on new one but if you have some time you can read:
Transport.Wroc.Biz Regulations
I am strongly against any regulations. In my opinion they almost never help and often disturb. It is impossible to
predict and write down everything into rules, so it going to be as short as
possible. You don.t have to read it, but don't make it an excuse.
1. Basic rules:
1.1. If looking at your pictures you can find more and more errors and defects in them, we surely speak the same language. If your
pictures seem to just get better, this is probably not the best place for you.
1.2. All changes to these regulations are made by the administrator and consulted by censors on forum. You can also send your proposals there
1.3. Phototrans.* web page is a private property, who free willingly supplies server and disc space for other authors, so they can present their works.
1.4. The content
of Transport Wroc Biz is supplied by its authors, so they make this page interesting or time wasting.
1.5. Any arguable matters not included in these regulations shall be decided by the administrator, although he dislikes that very much.
1.7. There are no accounts given just to add comments, however this may change.
2. Pictures:
2.1. Phototrans.* is designated for posting photos of public transport from all over the world and this galaxy.
2.1.1. We do not intend to expand beyond this galaxy.
2.2. Phototrans.* goal is to document and show what is reality today and perhaps history tomorrow.
2.3. Preferred pictures size varies from 900x600 to 1280x1024 (best 1024x768) and around 300kB but not exceeding 400kB. We must remember, that not everyone has 1600x1400 screens. Pictures like this require less space, load faster and present little commercial use (picture theft).
2.4. Watermarks should not exceed font size 20 pt, larger can spoil all your effort.
2.5. You don.t have to upload here every picture you take, choose the best ones.
2.6. Limits are meant to restrict you and you don't have to use them all. No requests for limit increase shall by heard. The only way is to upload good photos and then your limit shall be increased.
3.1. Photogallery intends to give everyone the ability to comment a picture, unfortunately not everyone makes good use of it.
3.2. Essential comments are highly welcome.
3.3. We obey grammar and spelling rules of the language we write in. Any dyslexia or dysgraphia does not matter.
3.4. No spamming or advertising.
3.5. No insulting others, no off-topic discussions on politics, believes etc.
3.6. Administrator has the right to delete any comment without warning.
3.7. By adding comment you approve that all entered information and IP, Proxy and other values from your HTTP_POST header can be stored, exposed and processed by administrator.
3.8. Responsibility for content of comments lies on author of comment.
4. Accounts:
4.1. You need an account to be able to upload pictures.
4.2. In order to obtain an account you need to send a registration form including your e-mail, self-made photo of a vehicle and a short description of that photo and then wait for administrators decision.
4.2.1. By sending picture you are accepting that is will be visible on our canditates forum forever.
4.3. You can also loose your account for disobedience to these regulations.
4.4. Administrator has the right to delete any account without warning for reasons beyond these regulations.
4.5. Administrator does not settle argues between other authors.
4.6. When an account is deleted, we do not send any congratulation letters or certificates. If your pictures are gone and your password does not work that means your service here is no longer required.
5. Blocking pictures:
5.1. Pictures are blocked by censors.
5.1.1 Do not upload a blocked picture again.
5.2. Blocked pictures are of poor quality (blurred, skew, dark, etc.) or uninteresting.
5.3. Users do not consider blocking personal and censors do not make such.
5.4. When your picture was blocked. Do not panic. You can ask for reason on our message board. Make sure to include direct link to blocked picture and sign yourself.
5.5. We do our best to answer any questions, but in some occasions it may take some time.
6. Voting (rail part)
6.1. Anyone who added photo during lat two weeks is able to vote on other
authors photos.
6.2. Vote is individual and private expression of everyone taste, Nobody has
nothing to do with it. Although person who is voting should show some kind
of responsibility and objectivity.
6.3. Voting is anonymous.
6.4. Author can turn off voting but this affect changing photostatuses (see 7.3).
7. Photostatuses (rail part)
7.1. We have four different photo statuses:
Public (green) - Everyone can see this photo
Historic (grey) - Everyone can see this photo and photo is made
before 2000 year or is showing some important part of history which now does
not exists.
Not-Public (yellow) - Only logged in users can see this photo
Blocked, Rejected (red) - Only author or censor can see this
7.1. Votes are basis to calculating points.
7.2. Points are basis to change photo status:
between -6 and 15 - photo is not-public.
under -7 - photo is rejected
above 15 - photo is public.
7.3. Censor can also change status of photo.
7.4. If author turned off voting, changing status is a decision of censors.
8. Final resolutions
8.1. Regulations enter into force on announcement.
8.2. Regulations apply to whole phototrans web page.
A short guide on how to get your pictures past the censors:
First of all a word of introduction. This gallery was not created for the sole purpose of putting up pictures of all sorts of public transport vehicles. The other, equally important objective, is to develop your photography skills. Not to mention, server space doesn't come free. So we have to screen those pictures which Well
Frankly, those that are crap.
So - here's a quick guide on how NOT to get your pic blocked.
1. The vehicle has got to be WHOLLY on the picture. Not just one portion, no
cars, trees or people in front. We don't care. Sorry.
2. Make sure you know where the sun is. Ever taken a picture where your
girlfriend/boyfriend/mum/sister/dog (delete as appropriate) is in the shade
whereas the sky is burning up because the camera is going berserk and
doesn't know where the hell to look and measure the light intensity? Yeah.
So have we. And we NEVER posted it anywhere let alone on a large
public gallery. In case you didn't get the subtle hint in point MAKE SURE
3. Yes, we know. Buses, trams, and trains are vehicles. Common sense tells
us they MOVE. Common sense also tells us our cameras aren't always the best
at capturing that movement, leading to a bit of blurriness every once in a
while. Sure, that can be cute. Yes, it may even remind some of us about the
time we took those funny pills our friends gave us before we went to the
party. But no, we never posted pictures of that.
4. Given, that a lot of kids in Europe and - actually - all over the
developed world are suffering from obesity, we do understand you may be hit
by that terrible affliction. As such, we know that it must take a lot of
effort for you to actually drag your huge frame more than two metres away
from the vehicle before you take the photo. Unfortunately, this gallery is
not politically correct. So, if any of you fat arses don't walk away more
than 5 metres from the vehicle - we WILL block. Remember - exercise is good
for your health.
5. People who get the "B" letter behind their nickname probably have a
little experience in shooting photos already. As such, they can tell if a
picture is crooked. You know we have those cool displays like they had in
Top Gun actually IN our heads. We won't usually block your pictures if they
are not 100% straight - but if you fail to correct those mistakes - yeah -
you know the drill by now, right?
6. In case you do find that red little number has grown overnight, ask about
it here: we'll get back to you.
Hopefully :)
7. You're still scratching your head? If so, go get it checked. Our trained
specialists are standing by in our own little call centre - via MSN or ICQ 484966853.
And finally a good luck guys! :) May the best survive!
And then here is official regulations: